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Do you struggle to find foods that will give you sustained energy?  
Do you feel like dieting and exercise have failed you?
Are you at a loss for what to do to shrink belly fat?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you are in the right place. This "Shrink Belly Fat Quick Start Guide" will show you 5 effective steps to shrinking belly fat!  Sign up and this guide will be delivered right in your inbox!

There are many reasons why shrinking belly fat is key to a healthier body, now and into the future. Below are 3 of them

Belly fat increases risks of blood pressure, heart disease,  type 2 diabetes and other health conditions in the cluster of disease risk factors known as metabolic syndrome.

Belly fat zaps your energy and it increases inflammation in the body. Knees hurt. It slows you down and adds to the stress you feel in the body. 

Excess belly fat surrounds internal organs, including the liver, which in turn impairs its ability to detoxify. 
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." -Yogi Berra.
Don't waste time trying to figure it out on your own. Don't make the same mistakes I made, starting out with an assumption that whatever I needed to do to lose weight will also help me lose belly fat.

The truth of the matter is, what builds belly fat especially for a woman in midlife is more than misguided dietary choices such as limiting fat or eating junk foods or not exercising enough.

This Shrink Belly Fat Quick Start Guide will help you jump right in and apply techniques that are known to be most effective and answer questions you may have been asking yourself or others such as:

Does weight gain and belly fat have to come with the territory of aging?

Why is it that I don't feel good in my body even if I'm on a healthy diet?

Does regular exercise really support loss of belly fat? 

Can I really reach a healthy weight and shrink my big belly? 

This "Shrink Belly Fat Quick Start Guide" will answer these questions and help you get on the right path of melting fat around your waistline and fitting once again into your favorite dress. Grab it now and start your journey to a healthier weight and waistline!

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My Midlife Journey

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I never worried about my weight until I reached my late forties. Then, gradually, things started to change. By the time I reached fifty, much of the excess weight had found a home around my belly. When I decided to take action, I weighed 157 pounds (71 kilos), and wore a US dress size 14 (large). The dietary and lifestyle changes I made initially helped me lose weight, not so much belly fat. What was I missing? I found answers in many places, and diet and lifestyle were key to my success. However, those that helped me lose weight needed to be modified in order to effectively lose belly fat as woman in midlife. Currently, my weight fluctuates between 127 and 130 pounds (57-59 kilos) and I have lost four dress sizes, shifting from 14 to 4. I feel more energetic, hopeful, healthier, peaceful and purposeful than I did 10 years ago. 

I am ready to teach women at midlife and older, about the benefits of embracing a whole body approach to balance so as to make it easier for them to shrink belly fat and keep it off. By doing so, they too can prevent some of the health issues that are often associated with the process of aging, which often comes with weight gain and belly fat. We can age healthfully and gracefully. I will show you how I'm doing it. 

Season of Health

Season of health was created to bring health coaching services to busy professionals who are overworked and highly stressed and forget to take care of themselves. It has evolved to focus primarily on women at midlife and older who struggle with stubborn weight and belly fat. Excess weight gain and the buildup of belly fat are often signs of a body that needs help to return to a state of balance. If you are ready to embrace your own season of health, I'm ready to be your guide!
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