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About Rose

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Rose Kadende-Kaiser, Ph.D.
Health Coach. Author.
Online Course Creator and Facilitator.

Who do I serve? 

My target audience are women, especially those at midlife (representing broadly those who are in their 40's-late 60's) and who are looking for ways to boost their inner balance and trim belly fat.


If you are in this age range, I'm excited to invite you to enroll in this upcoming 8 Week course: Eat Right to Defeat Midlife Weight Gain and Belly Fat. The course starts on March 18, 2024. It includes recorded videos, downloadable worksheets, discussion prompts and exercises to keep you engaged with the course content. It is cohort-based and modules will be released on a weekly basis for 8 consecutive weeks. The course includes also a food shopping list and a sample meal plan with nourishing meal ideas, regular tips and motivations, to keep you excited about the journey you're on to plan for healthy aging by defeating midlife weight gain and belly fat. Ready to join the winning team? Enroll and reserve your spot today! I will also be available to answer your questions as they come up during the course. 

Who am I?

I am many things to many people: Wife, mom, sister, friend, aunt, coach, mentor and more. I am evolving. I am on a journey to becoming the best version of myself and I'm enjoying the process. 


What do I do professionally?

I am a health coach for women seeking to defeat midlife weight gain and belly fat. I am grateful for what I learn and achieve when clients make changes that help them feel better, look better, and take charge of their well-being. I am grateful when I hear clients tell me that they are more hopeful, less stressed, and happier. I celebrate their progress and appreciate their feedback and referrals. I am on a mission to change lives, one woman at a time, because I believe that when a woman knows what to do and takes charge of her well-being, she sows the seeds of better health in her family and the community around her.


How did I get into health-coaching? 

It's a long story like most of our stories are. Here is the short version of it: I had previously spent nearly a decade working in international development where many of our local implementing partners were involved in various aspects of community health. At some point, I started to question the value I was adding when my own health was declining. I was in pain. I was stressed and overweight. My hair was thinning and shrinking. It was costing me to buy drugs each month to relieve pain. And I was spending more each year on new and bigger clothes. It was costing me emotionally to no longer be physically fit to keep up with my kids. When I resigned from the last corporate job I held, I could no longer look at myself in the mirror and pretend to be an "expert" in community health when I did not know enough to keep myself or my family healthy.


Time for a career shift?

It was during this time of soul-searching that, almost serendipitously, I found out about health-coaching. I enrolled in a training program to become certified as a health coach. Then, I started applying what I learned and overtime and with continuous research, learning, and application, I was able to bring myself back to a healthy weight, get rid of the pain and pressure on my knees, minimize lower back pain, keep my blood sugar stable after meals, sleep better, and shrink my big belly.  The knowledge gained and the steps I took to bring myself back to a better sense of well-being, are the ones I use as the foundation for my work to coach, train, guide, and educate others on what they too can do to take better care of themselves, improve their well-being, and shrink belly fat.


Client Testimonials

"I like that you use real life examples in your training. I learned, especially that I need to listen to my body after meals to see if the food agrees with me or not. I learned also how to get healthier snacks and ways to prepare food so as to keep the good nutrients. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experiences."
Group Program Participant

My Book

 I wrote my first self-help book, "Belly Fat in Midlife" to address one key question that was on my mind at the time


Why is weight gain and belly fat a common problem in women once they reach the 40's and 50's?


It was a long journey for me to understand what was at the root of the unusual weight gain and belly fat buildup that I experienced starting when I reached my mid 40's. 


Through tons of research and taking the time to apply what I was learning, I was able to finally shrink belly fat, reach and maintain a healthy weight, balance blood sugar, prevent acid reflux and constipation, benefit better from exercise, stress less and sleep better as well.


The first step was a mindset shift and a readiness to change. The book teaches the steps that helped me build the foundation for success in various areas, including how to rebuild the health of the gut and how to keep one key fat-storage hormone, insulin in balance and strategies to help improve sleep. Grab your copy of Belly Fat in Midlife if you don't have one already.


And check out the customer book reviews below if you want to be inspired!



Book Review Highlights

"To begin with, Belly Fat in Midlife: Practical Steps to Revitalize Your Changing Body is about hope. ... Through faith, hard work and discipline, Kadende-Kaiser went from size 14 back to her youth size of 4. I feel hopeful that, by applying the same principles, I might achieve the miracle of going from my current size 22W to size 16W that I once was in my twenties....  Until I read Belly Fat in Midlife: Practical Steps. . .,  it never occurred to me to trace my belly fat back to childhood stress, having grown in a rather violent household." 
Immaculee Harushimana, Ph.D.

Rose's Kitchen

My Hobbies

Outdoor activities, reading/writing, and photography are among others. 

Wife and Mom

I'm blessed, grateful and proud.



From a size 14 back to a size 4!


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Reach Out for a Strategy Session or Sign-up for Updates

Thank you for reaching out! This is the first step on a journey to a more balanced you!

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